Surviving Law School

Life in 2020: The Student Body Remembers

Life in 2020: The Student Body Remembers

Moving to a new state alone to start the JD this year came with fears and many expectations. I had a mental checklist of things I strived to do, including trying to get out of my comfort zone and get involved at USYD. I figured this would allow me to meet new people and start fresh. However, life is unpredictable and before I knew it I was on a flight back home merely 2 months later. Reflecting back, I have now come to accept the situation but at the time, I was distraught, my mind was constantly racing and I couldn’t sleep for months

SULS COVID-19 Student Experiences Survey

The SULS COVID-19 Student Experiences Survey was administered in Semester 1, 2020 to gather information on students' experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic. It measured experiences in three areas: economic experiences, academic experiences and mental wellbeing experiences. It was presented to the law faculty on 2 July 2020 at the Student Staff Consultative Forum.

Law Student Excellence: Lessons From A Leading Law Innovator

Law Student Excellence: Lessons From A Leading Law Innovator

Every year, thousands of students across Australia enter their first ever law lecture feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. Some feel it is the long-awaited beginning of their journey to becoming Australia’s next leading barrister, while others view it as just another boring day at university. One thing that is common among most students, however, is a desire to have a unique impact on the world, and to be more than just an average student.

Someone that has certainly exemplified what it means to be more than just a law student is Milan Gandhi. Milan is the Founder and National Director of The Legal Forecast, a not-for-profit run by early-career professionals who are entrepreneurially-minded and promote the importance of technology for effective legal practice.

You did not get the clerkship: What else can you do this holiday?

You did not get the clerkship: What else can you do this holiday?

The desire to be selected for a clerkship seems to be shared ubiquitously among law students and aspiring lawyers in Australia. At the same time, because so many people end up applying for clerkships, not all applicants, including excellent applicants, can be accepted. This can create quite a bit of heartbreak and sorrow.

Joseph Black explores some alternatives for law students this break.

130 years of Sydney Law School

130 years of Sydney Law School

For every law student, we pride ourselves for being a part of Sydney Law School, from the high ATAR cut-off that creates so much tension on USyd Rants, to the sleek, modern, glass architecture of New Law and New Law Annex making landmarks on Eastern Avenue, to the vibrant SULS and the supportive teaching staff, no matter how much we complain about law school, we really love being a part of it.

Law School Basics Panel: Online Exams

Law School Basics Panel: Online Exams

This is a complete transcript of the SULS panel discussion for online exams held in Semester 1, 2020. The panel was moderated by Natalie Leung (Vice President (Education) 2020) and consisted of Professor Rita Shackel, Dr Kevin Walton, Professor Peter Gerangelos and Dr Gemma Turton.

Law School Basics Panel: Study Technique

Law School Basics Panel: Study Technique

This is a complete transcript of the SULS panel discussion for study technique held in Semester 1, 2020. The panel was moderated by Natalie Leung (Vice President (Education) 2020) and consisted of Dr Natalie Silver (NS), Dr Kym Sheehan (KS) and Charlotte Trent (CT).

Law School Basics Panel: Assignment Technique

Law School Basics Panel: Assignment Technique

A complete transcript of the SULS panel discussion for assignment technique held in Semester 1, 2020. The panel was moderated by Natalie Leung (SULS Vice President (Education) 2020) and consisted of Professor David Kinley (DK), Professor Simon Rice (SR), Mr Tim Pilkington (TP) and Dasha Moskalenko (DM).

Studying Online – tips and tricks

Studying Online – tips and tricks

As we enter a different phase of our university education amidst rapid changes in our personal, social and academic lives, many of us have been forced to rethink our study routines and how we do uni. With the news and government regulations changing by the hour, it can be an overwhelming experience for many of us. Here are some tips and tricks to make this sudden transition easier for you.

How to thrive at Law School? Why balance is so critical

How to thrive at Law School? Why balance is so critical

It is normal to feel like we are all constantly in motion, struggling to stay afloat. The analogy often thrown around is that law school can be like a duck floating on top of the water. People give the impression that everything is under control, but underneath the surface they are scrambling. There is no doubt that ambition and drive is essential to get ahead in this world.