Campus Events


The Campus Portfolio is committed to fostering a warm, fun and inclusive campus environment that is accessible to students of all ages and backgrounds. The portfolio collaborates with other SULS portfolios and clubs & societies to expand and diversify activities on campus.

In 2022, the Campus Portfolio will be holding Welcome Back Drinks each semester, Speedfriending, Interfaculty Trivia, Inaugural Interfaculty Blood Drive, Intercohort and Clerkship Mentoring, Paint n Sip and Wellbeing Week in Semester 1 and 2. In addition, the Campus Portfolio will organise various other events such as catered Campus Catch-ups amongst and across cohorts.

We want every year group and every student to feel as though they have a voice, which is why our portfolio will actively engage with and utilise the cohort representatives. Through this representation, students will be made aware of events and will be able to provide feedback for the future and even give us ideas of what they would like to see happen on their campus.